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Titel: Изобразительная подготовка архитекторов в жанре городского пейзажа
Autoren: Григорьева, В.Б.
Stichwörter: visual arts training
future architects
artistic vision
visual narrative
cityscape genre
Erscheinungsdatum: Okt-2017
Herausgeber: International Scientific and Practical Conference “World Science”
Serie/Report Nr.: № 10 (26), Vol.3;с.42-44
Zusammenfassung: The article analyses the peculiarities of visual arts training of future architects working in a genre of cityscape. The main mistakes and problems that 3 or 4 year students make and face in their courseworks were addressed in this article. The interconnection between the terms «visual arts training» and «artistic vision» was identified as a specific condition of future professional activity of architects. Teaching conditions and methodology of visual arts training in a genre of cityscape were offered. The conceptual framework for this subject was clearly defined.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в журналі

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