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Titel: Surface current in gaas p-n junctions, passivated by Sulphur atoms
Autoren: Ptashchenko, O.O.
Ptashchenko, F.O.
Masleyeva, N.V.
Bogdan, O.V.
Stichwörter: sulphur-passivated
p-n structures
recombination centers
Erscheinungsdatum: 2009
Herausgeber: Photoelectronics Inter-universities scientific articles, Odessa “Astroprint”
Serie/Report Nr.: №18;р.115-119
Zusammenfassung: Influencof the storage (low-temperature annealing) of sulphur-passivated GaAs p-n structures in a neutral (helium) atmosphere at room temperature on I-V characteristics of forward and reverse currents was studied. The storage strongly reduces the excess forward current and the reverse current in p-n junctions. The ideality coefficient of I-V characteristics decreases with the storage. This effect has two stages. It is showed that all these phenomena can be explained by lowering of the surface recombination centers density and reduction of the electrically active centers concentration in the surface depletion layer.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в журналі

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