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Titel: Formation of knowledges system in educational process
Autoren: Vyrovoy, V. N
Zavoloka, M.V
Sukhanov, V.G
Stichwörter: knowledge system
and aktive elements(substructure) structure
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Herausgeber: scientific and methodological basis for teaching natural sciences and engineering in higher education
Serie/Report Nr.: ;c. 187-193
Zusammenfassung: In this work knowledges considered as an open self-organizing complex structural system. It was determined the main functions of conservative, metastable and active structural components in the dynamics of knowledge systems. It is shown that the link to the different structural formation of educational plans and programs, taking info account the interdependence of structural groups of the system of knowledges in order to prepare mentally liberated professionals. who are adequate for the needs of the present.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Стаття в журналі

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