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Titel: Problems of deformation by local loading of multilayered plates on a rigid foundation
Autoren: Gurtovy, O.G.
Tynchuk, S.O.
Andrushkov, V.I.
Stichwörter: multilayered plate
a refined model
transverse shear
transverse compression
vibrational-difference method
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019
Zusammenfassung: In modern designs, multifunctional coatings with different stiffness and physical-mechanical characteristics of the layers are used. Multilayered coverings can be considered as thick plates resting on a rigid substrate. Refined models of symmetrical stress-strain state (SSS) have been used for studying the SSS of multilayered plates on a rigid foundation. The design diagram of a transversely loaded plate is formed by symmetric supplementing it with regard to the contact surface and the foundation. The load to the double-thickness plate is applied bilaterally and symmetrically about its mid-surface. In such a way, only unflexible deformation can be modeled, which reduces the number of unknowns and the general order of differentiation of the calculating system of equations. Such a diagram models the frictionless slip of the plate over surface of its contact with the foundation.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Вісник ОДАБА №76

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