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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 264
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Using theory of gestalt to characterize the logo in industrial design teachingGorbenko, S.A.; Yaseen Wami Naser, AI-Nasser
2022Unit економіка у будівництвіКамбур, О.Л.
2022Two-way street to walk the talk:designing environment for foreign language learnersHorostovatova, Y.O.; Maksymenko, Y.A.
2022The model of multimedia technologies use in the pre paration of future civil engineersDubinina, N.V.
2022Teoreticke smery navrhu architektonickeho prostredia na Ukrajine a na SlovenskuKoniuk, A.; Vasilenko, O.; Moskalenko, K.; Shalamova, K.
2022Stress state of elements in the composition of metallic boodies of cylindical tans with external FRP reinforcementDziuba, S.V.; Korshak, O.M.; Mikhailov, O.O.
2022Rotations of a rigid body close to the lagrange case under theaction of nonstationary perturbation torqueLechehenko, D.D.; Kozachenko, T.O.
2022Rehabilitation of metallic bodies of cylindrical tanks with external FRP reinforcementDziuba, S.V.; Korshak, O.M.; Mikhailov, O.O.
2022Online english teaching technologies in schoolsLemberskyi, O.Y.
2022Moodle as innovative tool in english language teaching for foreign studentsChaenkova, O.K.
2022International cooperation in the management of educational Projects of higher educational institutionsStrenkovska, A.Yu.
2022Inspections of pedestrian bridges in presovPeterPaulik, Jakub Gasparek; Kopasek, Denis; Chernieva, Olena
2022Estimation of the subsurface afterburning time of magnesium conglomeratesPysarenko, A..
2022Development of students of Art abilities in the creative space of "Ecological marginalization"Valyuk, Yu.P.
2022Determination of the parameters of the required FRP reinforcement of metallic shells of cylindrical tanksDziuba, S.V.; Korshak, O.M.; Mikhailov, O.O.
2022Computer processing of radio sounding data for ground- penetrating radar SDI K-5Vashpanov, Yuriy; Kudelya, Anatoly; Podousova, Tatyana
2022Analytical overview of the results of the restarch of graphic competencies of first-year studentsБредньова, В.П.
2022A systems approfch to fssessment of risks of unacceptably low project profitabilityVasilieva, N..; Vasiliev, A..
2022Экспресс-оценка характеристик грунта засыпки жилого здания методом динамического зондированияАнисимов, К.И.; Слободянюк, В.П.; Коломиец, С.П.
2022Эксперементальные исследованя эффективности работы конструкции подводного волноломаОсадчий, В.С.; Синица, Р.В.; Анисимов, К.И.
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 264