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Titel: How to get students' attention to your lecture
Autoren: Chernieva, O.
Stichwörter: lecture
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Herausgeber: Управління якістю підготовки фахівців, 2020р.
Zitierform: c.112
Zusammenfassung: Working with students who study in English for the second year, I ran into a problem. Since the English language is not their native language, the perception of the material by these students differs from the perception of the material in their native language.Most of the words are new and their meaning is not clear to students, since technical English is fundamentally different from spoken. How to attract students' attention in this case, what teaching technique to use to draw them into the educational process?
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:2020р.

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