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Titel: Research of factors that contribute to stimulation of students to independent development of graphic disciplines
Autoren: Brednyova, V.P.
Naidonova, U.
Apostel, E.
Stichwörter: graphic disciplines
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
Herausgeber: УЯПФ 2021р.
Zitierform: c.86-87
Zusammenfassung: The reform of higher education at the present stage is connected, first of all, with the essence of the next main task - to prepare a competent and competitive specialist in the European and domestic labor market. Theoretical knowledge and graphic skills are needed in almost all fields, however, unfortunately, as we know; the number of teaching hours for the study of graphic disciplines for students of technical specialties is constantly decreasing.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:2021р.

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